I don't think I'm a cynic when it comes to children. I LOVE children...especially when they belong to other people. But I did grow up with 4 siblings, only to inherit another 3 in my teens, and don't even get me started about all the nieces and nephews. So, with all that child-exposure I maintain that I'm a realist, not a cynic.
And I've witnessed firsthand the sleepless nights, excessive and projectile bodily fluids, and tyrannical tantrums. Not to mention the stories I've heard about my own horrid behavior as a young-ling. Do I think people should procreate; absolutely, with a few conditions and for the right reasons.
1. It should in no way be a reflection of the perceived 'next phase' of one's life - that's just societal pressure disguised as natural priorities.
2. Financial stability is a must. I'm not talking Trump-dom here, but a potential college fund would be a step in the right direction.
3. While one's desire to have a child is almost certainly some incarnation of one's love for their significant other/spouse; it's important to realize that a child can only make a bad relationship worse.
4. Potential parents should wholly and thoroughly understand that bearing children will completely change and altogether ruin their lives forever - in a good way.
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