Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Coding Kharma

For the love of all that is holy in this godforsaken world...pleeeez, pleeeeez, pleeeeez, when you're writing your code, consider the people who are going to have to modify and debug it down the road. I am fully prepared to launch myself off the 2nd story of this building right now because I'm trying to fix yet another program written by my nemesis, we'll just call him T.C., for Terrible Coder (oh, yea, I went there). T.C. is the programmer whose place I took in my current position whom I've never actually met, but from all accounts by my co-workers was a squirrely, unhygienic fellow with a preference for hippo-like women and who, hands down, has written the most unmaintainable, nightmarish code I've ever seen in my limited life.

Here are a few token characteristics of TC's code:
  1. Never a single comment of any kind.
  2. Never any modularity of any kind; if TC does write functions, there's no logical separation and they're typically anywhere from 100-600 lines of code per function.
  3. No logical organization of any kind within the code itself; the order of the programs seem to simply mimic TC's haphazard thought patterns.
  4. Extraneous code (this is the worst part). TC will often leave code in his programs that does absolutely nothing; like requesting session variables that don't actually exist at the beginning of the file and then never actually using them.
Fellow programmers, we're all in this together, writing code, modifying other's code; it's like one big programming circle of life. We're all ultimately serving the same purpose and none of us wants to be considering ending our own life because of a lazy, incompetent fellow developer's work. Furthermore, it is a well known fact that all of the coding horror you create for fellow programmers due to your malicious and incompetent coding practices will be visited upon you 10 fold. So do yourself a favor and practice friendly coding techniques so your coding kharma will be good.

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